Welcome to our faith community’s In The Spirit of All Saints Capital Campaign. Inspired by the legacy of those who preceded us, we are moving forward with a campaign to retire our parish debt, expand and pave our parking lot, and enhance our parish building. All of our parishioners and visitors were invited to attend receptions held in early August. There we introduced the plans in greater detail allowing additional time for questions, and discussed the role we all play in making our vision a reality. Thank you to everyone who helped host these events and to all who participated! Our Commitment Weekend on August 17-18 saw a tremendous response in pledges being offered and we’re confident we’ll both reach our goal and hope for increased participation by the campaign end. Please continue to pray for the success of this campaign. As good stewards of our blessings, together we can strengthen our finances and improve our buildings and facilities.
Fr. Michael Garry
A video message from Bob Hunstad
All Saints Capital Campaign Committee Chairman
Planning Study And Results
Building & Grounds Improvements
A video tour through some of the All Saints facility improvements.
Discerning Your Commitment
There are many options to help you support All Saints Catholic Church in a meaningful way. Pledges are commitments made in good faith but are not legally binding. They are a promise of support you are making to your parish. The three-year commitment can be fulfilled through monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual installments. We encourage our donors to consider a 10% down payment on their pledge payment which will help the parish complete the paving of the parking lot this year. Please fill out your pledge card, even for online donations.
If you have any questions about the campaign or making your pledge, please contact the Parish Office (218) 822-4040 or the campaign office at (218) 537-7526
Most commonly, donors make tax deductible payments using a check or credit/debit card, EFT, or automatic bill pay.
We urge you to consider gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, and/or mutual funds which have been held for more than one year. This method allows you to take a charitable deduction for the fully appreciated value of the securities without incurring a capital gains tax on the donated assets.
Tangible personal property and/or personal services can be given to support All Saints Catholic Church.
A matching gift program offered through your employer or board membership may allow you to increase the value of your gift. Many companies match charitable gifts made by their employees, retirees or board members.
Individuals who must take Required Minimum Distributions from their tax-deferred individual retirement account (IRA) can make use of those distributions by making a “qualified charitable distribution” directly to the Campaign. Please consult your financial advisor.
If any of these choices interest you, please contact Maureen Pickar, Parish Business Manager, at (218) 822-4040.
This information is not intended as tax or legal advice. You are advised to consult your own qualified professional advisor for specific recommendations.
Come Holy Spirit
We give you thanks for the many blessings you have bestowed upon our parish community. Guide us in our efforts in this campaign to eliminate our debt and improve our facility so as to enhance your presence in the world. We ask this through the intercession of All the Saints, and through Christ our Lord.
Questions & Answers
Building a new church will cost many millions, which our current congregation is unlikely to have the resources to support in the foreseeable future. As attendance grows, we will revisit this issue. The current campaign addresses our immediate needs—debt, parking lot, and a functional facility. This campaign will not preclude us from pursuing Phase 2 in the future, if that option is appropriate for our needs.
No. This campaign will not increase our debt. We will only begin the parking lot when we have adequate cash on hand from the campaign to cover the cost. The building improvement projects are contingent upon the amount raised and will be considered only after the debt is retired and the parking lot is complete.
After our debt and parking lot are addressed, our parish community will be invited to participate in a discussion on the best applications for the increased funding, while still working within the context of what has been addressed as needed building improvements outlined in the campaign.
Our growth in attendance from 2015 to today is about 2% per year. While much of that growth has occurred in the last year, we are still only at about 70% capacity of our current church.