Brainerd Catholic

High School Faith Formation

9th-11th Grade

Dan Johnson
High School Faith Formation Director

We seek to provide a dynamic and faith-filled encounter with Christ and a comprehensive education for high school youth and young people preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Additionally, we seek to provide opportunities for young people to put their faith into action and be an active member in their parish.

High School Faith Formation Classes are held most Wednesday Nights at St. Andrew’s Church. Grateful Grub will be served from 6:30-7:00 and Faith Formation will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:30.

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Confirmation Prep

Confirmation Prep is a three-year high school program to prepare young people to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as teaching them how to live out fully the grace that comes with the Sacrament. The purpose of a three-year program is to provide time through relational ministry to help young people mature in the Catholic faith and acquire habits of learning and prayer.

  • In small groups that stay together through all three years, the teens will build relationships with their peers as well as continue to grow in their Catholic Faith. These groups are led by adults of our parishes, called Discipleship Leaders. The curriculum that is used during High School Faith Formation is aimed specifically at teens to prepare them for Confirmation, help them meet Jesus in the challenges they face every day as well as seeing the relevance of Jesus and His Church in a world packed with distractions. Since sharing our faith as Catholics is not always easy the small group setting also allows teens this experience in a safe environment. Some of the curriculum that we use includes Altaration, Alpha, YOU, Chosen, Decision Point as well as unique talks and presentations given in large group settings.

  • Attendance at Mass, and Wednesday night faith formation is an extremely important part of living and learning about the Catholic Faith and growing closer to Christ and His church. Regular attendance is necessary. If a confirmation candidate misses more than three classes in the given academic year, please contact Dan Johnson (218-829-1340) to arrange a plan for catching up. It is the candidate’s responsibility to seek out the make-up work needed.

  • The purpose of service hours is to help foster in our young people a heart that desires to serve. Jesus said "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you did unto me." As Christians we are called to serve those in need especially since we can count it as serving our Lord directly. The Diocese of Duluth requires five Faith in Action hours per year of high school, grades 9-11. At the beginning of the year each high school small group will decide on a service project to be done sometime during the school year.

  • A retreat provides the opportunity to set apart a time for God where we can take a break from the cares of the world for just a short time and let God act in our life. High School students are asked to make at least one retreat per high school year (total of three retreats). The retreat may be put on by staff from the Brainerd Lakes Catholic Churches or the Diocese of Duluth or another pastor/bishop approved facility and group.

    Those planning to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the upcoming year must attend a retreat specifically relating to the Sacrament of Confirmation put on by the Diocese of Duluth. The Confirmation Retreat is a mandatory retreat for a Confirmation student to attend, typically in 11th grade, in order to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Sponsor Form: This form is completed at the end of the candidate’s second year of preparation. This form shows the confirmation coordinator that a candidate has chosen a sponsor. This form also provides contact information for the sponsor so that the confirmation coordinator may send preparatory materials to the sponsor.

    Application for Confirmation: During their Confirmation year, the candidate will fill out an application to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is the candidate’s formal request to freely receive the sacrament.

    Letter to the Bishop: Prior to Confirmation, the candidate must write a letter of request to the Bishop. Further instructions will be given during Confirmation sessions.

    Interview With A Priest: Candidates must complete an interview with their priest prior to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. The interview schedule will come out in the spring. Students will be responsible for making and keeping their appointment with the priests.



Date: June 26 - July 1

Location: Lisle & Chicago Illinois
Students Currently in 9-12th grades

The mission of Totus Tuus is to help young people develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and to understand their faith through catechesis in a way that makes the faith real to the youth and helps them live as a witness in today’s world. To accomplish this, we emphasize a devotion and love for Our Lord in the Eucharist and for Mary our Mother.

Totus Tuus 2025

Totus Tuus is a K-12 summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship.

For students entering grades 7-12, Totus Tuus will start Sunday, June 8 and will go through Thursday, June 12, from 6:00 to 8:00 each evening at St. Andrew's.

Cost: $50 per student