Brainerd Catholic

Elementary Faith Formation

Pre-K to 5th Grade

Celeste Badger
Elementary Faith Formation Director

We have elementary programs at three of our local parishes from which families can choose. Children are welcome to attend one of the following:

  • Wednesday evening from 6:15 - 7:30 for first through fifth grades

  • Sunday morning from 9:15-10:15am for first through fifth grades.

  • Sunday morning from 9:00-10:15am for preschool through fifth grades.

For children age 3 & 4 years from all four of our parishes. See letter for more information on this wonderful catechesis.

1st-5th Grade

We look forward to and are happy to assist you in this journey with your elementary aged children!  This program covers the basics of our Catholic faith using a curriculum based on the four parts of the catechism: the creed, sacraments, life in Christ, and prayer.

1st Communion & 1st REconciliation Prep

There are sessions to help parents prepare children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation (confession) and Eucharist (Holy Communion). All Saints, St Andrew, St Francis and St Mathias children will attend this preparation together at St Francis Church. Sacrament preparation is incorporated into the basic faith formation classes on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:30. St Francis of the Lakes Catholic School students as well as homeschool students who belong to any of the four parishes also attend these preparation sessions.

  • There will be opportunities for you as well on these evenings! We hope you will find these to be a great way to grow in your own faith, as well as receive important information regarding the preparation of your child to receive these sacraments. Parents are expected to attend.

  • ❖ Attend Mass in person every weekend (unless illness prevents attendance).

    ❖ One year of basic faith formation before attending sacrament preparation. This would be either parish based or through St Francis of the Lakes School or Catholic based home school.

    ❖ Attendance at either parish faith formation, St Francis of the Lakes School, or Catholic based home school to receive basic teaching during their 2nd grade year.

    ❖ A copy of child’s baptismal certificate if not baptized at All Saints, St Andrew, St Francis, St Mathias or St Thomas.

  • Each family and situation are unique! If you have a child older than second grade who has not received the sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation and/or Eucharist please call me to see what would be the best fit in preparing your child.

The mission of Totus Tuus is to help young people develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and to understand their faith through catechesis in a way that makes the faith real to the youth and helps them live as a witness in today’s world. To accomplish this, we emphasize a devotion and love for Our Lord in the Eucharist and for Mary our Mother.

Totus Tuus

Totus Tuus is a K-12 summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship.

For any of our area Brainerd Catholic elementary students entering grades 1-6, Totus Tuus will take place Monday, June 9 through Friday June 13 at St. Andrew's Church. This will go from 9:00am until 2:00pm each day. Students need to bring a bag lunch each day, except for Friday when lunch will be provided.

Cost: $50 per student