Brainerd Catholic
St. Andrew’s Catholic Church
St. Andrew’s Catholic Church
1108 Willow Street
Brainerd, MN 56401
Queen of Peace Adoration Chapel
Location: Go into the NE front entrance of the church. The door is to your left as you enter the courtyard. Knock and someone will let you in.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 5:00am - 10:00pm
Tuesday 5:00am - 11:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: ClosedThe Adoration Chapel will not be open on the following days. They are either Secular or Religious Holidays. During this time, we will repose the Blessed Sacrament:
New Year’s Eve (close @ 4pm)
New Year’s Day
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve (close @ 2pm)
Christmas Day -
Click HERE, then click the "SIGN UP" button under "Welcome!" at the top of the page, to sign up to be a regularly scheduled Adorer, or to be added to the substitute Adorer list.
For more information, contact Leonard Skillings at 218-232-6688.
What is Adoration?
Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to this question. Many of us were not “raised” with the wonderful gift of Eucharistic Adoration. This video provides great insight into this very question.How can I make time for Adoration?
Fr. Josh Johnson offers tools and techniques to help us make time and remain faithful in visiting our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. “When, where, what, who, and why?”What do we do in Adoration?
There are many things we can do during Eucharistic Adoration, but to make the time most effective, there are certain things we can do. In this video, Fr. Josh Johnson puts forth some simple things you can use to help you improve your relationship with God through Adoration.Are there additional times when the chapel is closed?
40 Hours Devotion
The Adoration Chapel will not be open when 40 Hours Devotion is taking place at St. Francis Church. Check the parish calendars for specific dates.Weather-Related
If the weather is such that you cannot make your assigned time, please request a substitute via We Adore Him, or call the Chapel Coordinator. A replacement will be found, or the Chapel will be closed.
During the winter months, the general rule of thumb is if the schools are closed, the Chapel will be closed.
Notification will be sent out to all adorers regarding the status of the Chapel as applicable regarding weather-related closings.
In 1960, when St. Francis of Assisi parish in Brainerd grew to 900 families, Bishop Francis Schenk decided to start a new parish to the south of the town. In 1963 it was founded and named St. Andrew’s with its first pastor, Fr. Frank Melovasich.
From May 26, 1963, to the spring of 1965, Sunday Mass was celebrated in the Washington High School Auditorium. Groundbreaking for the new church and school complex took place on Sunday, June 7th, 1964 with the first Liturgy celebrated in the new church on Easter Sunday, April 18th, 1965.
Upon completion of the structure in 1965, the school was opened under the direction of the Franciscan Sisters from Newton, Massachusetts. However, the financial burden of the school was too heavy, and the school closed in 1969.
In August 2001 Bishop Dennis Schnurr clustered the parishes of St. Andrew’s, St. Francis, and St. Mathias under the pastorate of one priest, Fr. Seamus Walsh. In 2010, Bishop Paul Sirba clustered the parishes of St. Andrew’s, St. Francis, St. Mathias, All Saints, and St. Thomas of the Pines and appointed Fr. Tony Wroblewski as the pastor of this new cluster.
Beginning in July 2014, the parishes of the Brainerd area were then reorganized into two smaller clusters, with St. Andrew’s and St. Mathias forming the “south” cluster pastored by Fr. Daniel Weiske.
From the Fall of 2018 through the Spring of 2019, under the direction of Fr. Daniel Weiski, extensive renovations and expansions were made to the Church and office spaces, along with the creation of a new social hall and serving kitchen. The first Liturgy was celebrated in the new church on Palm Sunday, April 14th, 2019. Bishop Paul Serba dedicated the new worship space and consecrated the altar on June 22, 2019.
Currently, we are blessed to have five active priests, along with four permanent Deacons, who call St. Andrew's "home".

Finance Council
Jim Gogolin, Trustee
Lisa Haberman, Chair
Jesse Hopkins
Jim Hunt, Trustee
Rob Lang
Sharon Pike
Molly Ronnevik