Food Drive for the Salvation Army Food Shelf is going on October 1st-31st! Current needs: canned peaches, sugar (white), apple juice boxes and little servings of foods for kids’ lunch boxes, unsweetened cereal for finger foods, pasta (white) and sauces, chicken noodle soup, cream of chicken/mushroom soup, canned chicken/tuna, canned kidney/black beans, oatmeal, packages of potatoes (ie scalloped potatoes), small containers of cooking oil, peanut butter, body soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine products. Please place your donations in the designated crates at St. Francis and All Saints. Monetary donations may be placed in the collection basket at mass or dropped off in the parish office. Please keep the Salvation Army in your prayers that they may be able to continue to serve those in need in our community. Thank you!