As recently announced, Bishop Daniel Felton has transferred Deacon Keith Grow from Deacon of St. Andrew’s in Brainerd and St. Mathias in Fr. Ripley to Deacon of St. Francis, All Saints, and St. Thomas of the Pines. This transition becomes effective on December 2, 2023. While the main duties of Deacon Keith will be concentrated to his new assignment, he may assist at St. Andrew’s and St. Mathias as need arises. Currently, Deacon Keith will continue to provide ministry to our Baptism preparation in our four parishes in the Brainerd Mission Field and Marriage Mentorship at St. Andrew’s and St. Mathias.
Please join us in thanking Deacon Keith for his loving service to our parishes! We will celebrate with cake and refreshments in the St. Andrew's Social Hall after the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, November 26th.