2024 Brainerd Catholic Missionaries
Missionaries: Fr. Scott Padrnos, Josh French, Crystal Anderson, Braydon Borg, Brian Anderson, Brayden Anderson, Lucia Carlson, Elizabeth Studniski, and Nick Schneider (who will be staying over there for a year). Long term Missionaries are the Davidson family, Riah Stroot, Isabelle Johnson, and Phil Kostecka.
Day 1 of being in Cambodia: Update from Fr. Scott
A group of missionaries cleaned up a bunch of rubble, brush, and garbage at our translator and friend Ratana's property (about 24' x 50') and level out the ground so she can build her humble home there. We also had a group paint the railing and around the doors at the church and another group cleaning and painting at the library at the pastoral center, which ministers to the youth in the area.
Property Clean Up
Ratana's property before the team split and we began cleanup
Day 2: Work continues for various projects! Update from Fr. Scott
One group continued the paint at the church, another group continued the paint at the pastoral center, and the last group went to our friend Sambath's school and mixed and poured concrete over the road so when the rain season comes the kids don't have to walk through water and mud to get to their classrooms.
Tomorrow night we are going out to hand out 300 roses to the prostitutes here in town. Please pray that these women know how profoundly loved they are and that they know the incredible dignity that is theirs.
Days 4-7: Updates From Freely Given (various authors)
A cement project kept half of our team quite busy over the last two days! After their day of work on Friday we were treated to home-cooked, Khmer-style fried chicken at Dy and Sambath’s house.
The second painting crew spruced up the church in Siem Reap by painting railings and trim. We are so glad our team could help our church home in Siem Reap, St. John’s Parish!
15 January 2024. A group of young missionaries from St. Francis, All saints and St. Thomas Catholic Churches, USA led by Fr. Scott through freelyGiven community in Siem Reap coordinated by Nic Davidson visited and help out with some plumbing works in Mary Mother of the Church Parish in Taom. The group started with the celebration of the Eucharist presided by Fr. Glenn, concelebrated by Fr. Scott. The team worked in groups; cleaning the rooms, arranging/classifying medicines for the medical mission on the 28 January, digging for pipe lines around the church. They also have the opportunity to meet and greet the children in the afternoon who welcomed them warmly with smiles on their faces. The young missionaries went home with so much joy in their hearts leaving an indelible mark in the hearts of Taom community.