christ is risen!

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Alleluia! (Praise the Lord). The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central truth of our faith as Christians. We share in the resurrection of Jesus. Even those who had died before have been awakened by the resurrection of Jesus. God has truly done great things, they are amazing in our eyes. Why is the resurrection so powerful and awesome?  I offer you four elements of the resurrection. These are wonderful historical and amazing realities presented in our Catechism of the Catholic Church (640-647).

1.     Empty tomb. The reality we experience in faith is the truth that Jesus body was not in the tomb on the day of resurrection. Even though this is not a direct proof of the resurrection it is an essential sign for all. When the disciples found this tomb, it opened the way towards belief in the resurrection. They saw and they believed. Yes, the body is missing. On resurrection day, the body of Jesus is no longer in the tomb. The empty tomb opens our heart to believe.

2.     The appearances of the Risen One

Jesus Christ appeared numerous times after the resurrection. Mary Magdalene, the apostles, St. Paul speaks of other 500 people to whom he appeared. These facts that are historical in nature provide a non-physical reality regarding the resurrection. We can understand too that it took time for the disciples to believe so we too must be patient with the faith of the resurrection. The faith of resurrection is born by the grace of God.

3.     The condition of Christ's risen humanity

Jesus Christ after the resurrection appeared in his body. He could be touched and he even shared a meal with his disciples. He made direct contact with his disciples. He made it clear that he is not a ghost. He appeared to the disciples with the same body that was crucified. He had his wounds of the passion on them. However, this body possessed new properties of a glorious body. He was not limited by time or space, he could enter through walls into closed rooms, he was present to his will, he was no longer confined to earth and he belonged in the realm of the Father in heaven. Thus, the risen Lord was free. He could appear sometime as a gardener, or as an unfamiliar friend so that he can awaken faith. Jesus Christ is risen and our faith will grow for he is appearing to us every day disguised or in a real way in the Eucharist. Christ's Resurrection was not a return to earthly life, like all others who were raised from the dead.

4.     The Resurrection as transcendent event

When the Easter reality is proclaimed on the Easter vigil, the Exsultet says, the time and hour is only known to this night. The mystery of the time of the resurrection is an important fact. It helps us surrender to God because it is beyond our feeble minds. Even with the historical realities, we do not claim full knowledge and therefore the resurrection is at the heart, the mystery of faith.

In these days of Easter, let us enjoy the victory of the resurrection. Let us ponder and receive the grace of faith to believe. “If Christ had not risen your faith is in vain” 1 Cor 15:17.

Jesus thy kingdom come! In my heart through Mary!                

-Fr. Gabriel


Divine Mercy Sunday


Christos Anesti!