St. John Paul II Discussion Group

This year Deacon Jerry will facilitate a new adult education program entitled “St. John Paul II Study Sessions”. As the pope with the 3rd longest reign, it is very important to understand the vision and trajectory on which John Paul II placed the church at the beginning of the 3rd Millennium. His ideas and teachings on morality, family, life issues, the sacraments and the human person are more relevant than ever. A basic knowledge of St. John Paul II’s ideas will help deepen one’s understanding of the faith and better engage our contemporary culture.

This program is intended to help break open many of the writings of St. John Paul II and provide a bird’s eye view of the themes and topics discussed in it. A look at the events occurring in the world and church when the document was published will also be given.

The format of the study sessions will be as follows:

Start Date: Monday, March 25th

Day, Time & Location: Every other Monday, 9AM at St. Francis in the Gathering Space (upstairs)

Duration: About 1.5 hours

Breaks: Summer, holidays, small break period between documents

Sessions per Document: 2-4, depending on length of document

Format: Focused group discussion (for the most part)

Flexibility: Yes! Join us when you can or when interested in a document

The first document to be studied will be Redemptor Hominis (The Redeemer of Man) which was the first encyclical released by John Paul II in 1979. As with most popes, the first encyclical typically outlines their vision for their pontificate. Please join us in this journey of discovery by registering below.

Discussion Group Registration


Period of Purification & Enlightenment


Now Hiring