Embrace Divine Mercy

This year, I offer once again a reflection on Divine Mercy. This year, I reiterate that God has offered us his mercy. In a way, he is taking all our misery from our hearts into his (Misericodia). Recall, when Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, they had locked themselves in the upper room. They were fearful. Jesus came in even though the doors were locked, and the first thing he proclaimed was “peace”. Jesus is coming to us every day. Even when our hearts are closed or occupied with other loves, Jesus is able to enter. When Jesus comes to us, he is offering peace. Peace is not only the absence of war; it is a supernatural gift that reveals a divine disposition. Peace is a gift for all humanity and for all the universe. The original order and goodness of the world at creation was the manifestation of divine peace. This was corrupted by sinfulness. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all sin is defeated. Peace reigns.

Jesus immediately offers the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, commanding them to forgive sins. The Sacrament of Confession forgives sins at the command of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants peace to reign in the hearts of his disciples through forgiveness of sins. This wonderful gift of forgiveness is available because of the mercy of God. Mercy is the clemency of God. It is his nature to love and to forgive. The recipient of God’s love earns mercy. Those who present themselves to the Sacrament of Confession, will be met with mercy, the forgiving love of God. In 1931, Jesus appeared to St. Faustina Kowalska giving her the task to spread the message of Divine Mercy. The Divine Mercy celebration is on the Sunday after Easter. This day is powerful for us. It is a day when the Mercy of God is richly made available.

Among the devotions celebrated on Divine Mercy Sunday are: the veneration of the hour of Mercy at 3:00pm, the reading of the diary of St. Faustina (she recorded the apparition in this 600-page diary), the veneration of the Image of Divine Mercy, recitation of the chaplet of Divine Mercy, celebration of the Sacrament of Confession and the reception of Holy Communion.

Jesus revealed to St. Faustina that mercy is God’s greatest attribute. God desires to offer you his mercy. He is willing to enter even when the doors are closed. He calms your fears. It is in the celebration of Divine Mercy that we begin to change the world. The peace of Christ reigns in our hearts, and we share it with us, in works of mercy daily.

This year, during the season of Easter, receive mercy, show mercy, and have total trust in Jesus. There is no other Prince of Peace, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, but Jesus. Jesus is the only one who has conquered death, and he is the only one who authentically gives true peace to any troubled heart. Embrace Divine Mercy today.

Jesus thy kingdom come! In my heart through Mary!  ~Fr. Gabriel


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