Corpus Christi Procession Recap

On June 2nd 2024 Brainerd Catholic hosted the annual Corpus Christi Procession. Nearly 300 participants from all over the Brainerd deanery made their way on a 1.3 mile trek from St. Francis to St. Andrews Catholic Church carrying the blessed sacrament. Mark your calendars for next years procession happening on June 22, 2025.

The feast of Corpus Christi was instituted for the Universal Church on August 11, 1264, with the Papal Bull Transiturus de hoc Mundo as a result of the fervent prayer, devotion, and dedication of a woman named Saint Juliana of Liege who tirelessly promoted the feast after Our Lord, in a vision, told her of his desire for a feast day dedicated to his most Holy Body and Blood. The Papal Bull is said to have been drafted by St. Thomas Aquinas as well as the Mass prayers for the feast and the hymns of the divine office at the request of Pope Urban the IV who had been a fervent supporter of the cause of Saint Juliana before he was Pope as the Archdeacon of Liege.


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