Fr. Michael Updates on Parish Projects

Happy Pentecost everyone! We thought this springtime seemed to be a good time to provide some updates on what is blooming in our parishes!

First, I’d like to welcome Kevin Denny to the parish staff as the Director of Advancement, effective May 21, 2024. Kevin will report directly to me and will be a core member of the parish leadership team. Kevin’s primary responsibility will be to advance the mission of the parish by networking and fostering key relationships with parishioners and benefactors. He will also assist with the management and administration of capital campaigns and planned giving program strategies. Many of you may know Kevin as he is engaged in many parish ministries, most notably the Faith Formation program. If you have not yet had the opportunity to meet Kevin, I encourage you to make yourself known and greet him. We’re all so excited for him to join the team and looking forward to what the Lord will do next—come Holy Spirit! His first focus will be the All Saints Feasibility Study that is already underway.

Speaking of the All Saints Feasibility Study, the interview process is in full swing. All Saints parishioners can still complete the survey online by following the link on our parish website, or by contacting the parish office to schedule a zoom interview. The results of the Feasibility Study will first be made to me, the campaign cabinet, and the finance council at the end of May. After that a plan will be presented to the parish.

Next, I’d like to thank our St. Francis rectory build committee who have been working on various designs/build options for the past 14 months. We recently submitted plans to the Diocesan Building Committee who reviews, makes recommendations, and approves large build efforts across the Diocese. We are currently in dialogue with this committee and hope to have a more comprehensive update for you soon. Thank you for your continued support of this important project!

Lastly, another large project looming is the question of a Catholic high school. Next week I plan to have a brief update on where that project currently sits. Praise God for all the blessings He has bestowed on our community!

- Fr. Michael Garry


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