Mothers, Jesus Loves You

I take this opportunity to wish all mothers a happy and blessed Mother’s Day. I think this day gives me the opportunity to invite you all to reflect on the beauty of motherhood. Through the eyes of Jesus Christ, motherhood has a profound place. There are three occasions in the scriptures I will point out to help us reflect on Jesus’ love for motherhood.

First, is when Jesus was lost in the temple. Mary and Joseph searched for him with great anxiety. Jesus was happy in the temple asking questions and responding to the elders in Jerusalem. When Mary saw him, she said “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety” Luke 2:48. Mary, in her motherly love, sought Jesus. Jesus responded to Mary, then he went home with them to Nazareth. We are told “He [Jesus] went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them, and his mother kept all these things in her heart”, Luke 2:51. Jesus listened to the voice of his mother. Jesus lovingly goes home. Jesus teaches us his love for motherhood, especially in his obedient response.

Secondly, Jesus wanted all mothers to know he loves them and honors them. Jesus was busy teaching and preaching. Then his mother and his family were outside wanting to speak with him. In response, Jesus made a statement and revealed his honor for all mothers. “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it” Luke 8:21. Jesus loves all mothers and welcomes them as his own. Mothers, in your faithfulness to God’s will, Jesus is willing to be called your son.

Finally, the third expression of Jesus for love of motherhood is at Calvary. When Jesus was about to die. While hanging on the cross, having gone through the bitter passion, Jesus said “Woman, behold, your son.” To the disciple whom he loves, he said “Behold, your mother” John 19: 26-27. The last few words of Jesus speak deeply of his love for motherhood. To those whom he loved, he gave his mother so that they would never be without motherly love. Also, those who are loved by Jesus should also express love to mothers.

Therefore, we embrace all mothers with the love of Jesus. Jesus has a special place for mothers, and on this Mother’s Day, may Jesus bless you, and may he give us the grace to honor you. Happy Mother’s Day.

Jesus thy kingdom come! In my heart through Mary!  Fr. Gabriel


Rogations Days: Blessing of Fields & Gardens


Happy Mother’s Day!