Knights of Columbus- Delta Membership Drive

The Knights of Columbus is an international Order of Catholic men who are called to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others, and defend values in a busy changing world. Our local council St Francis and All Saints Council #1491 will be holding a membership drive at all Masses the of April 29th and 30th. Whether you become an individual member or a member of our council you will find that Knights of Columbus membership brings Catholic men together in a powerful way. If you would like to join today, simply go to and enter our council #1491 for local information.

Knights will be available at all the Masses for the weekend. Our Grand Knight will be sharing a short comment at the end of each mass.

Fellow Men please consider joining us and assist us in our fellowship. We need men to carry on Blessed Fr McGivney Mission.

See a fellow Knight after Mass to learn more about us.


Leonard Skillings Grand Knight

Council 1491


Look for the Yellow Vests


divine mercy for you