Thank you, Jacob!

“I can’t believe we are already heading back to school!” I have heard that phrase a lot lately. I tried to ignore it as long as I could but eventually had to face the facts: we are already heading back to school. I will fly back to Rome for my final year of seminary on Wednesday, September 4th, and leave St. Andrew’s and St. Mathias this Sunday, September 1st.

 What a blessing it has been to be here this summer! Brainerd is truly a place where a priest is reminded - or comes to discover - the gift of his priesthood. Seeing young families run around in the back of Church, old couples faithfully attend daily Mass, a brimming bus to the Steubenville youth conference or a caravan of cars going to Camp Survive, conversation and mentorship happening over coffee at Loco Express, watching this unfold is the gift of priesthood. It’s seeing a parish family alive and running together.

Thank you for letting me be part of that family this summer. Especially at this point in seminary, being so close to the end, to experience a parish community like I have here is to taste the first fruits of what is to come in priesthood. Through all of you, here at St. Andrew’s and St. Mathias, I have tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord.

“How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me? I will raise the chalice of salvation and call on the name of the Lord” (Psalm 116:12-13).

Please pray for me as I am ordained to the diaconate on October 3, 2024, and then a priest in Duluth on June 13, 2025. You all are most invited to my priestly ordination at our Cathedral in Duluth! If you are interested in sending letters, my address in Rome is:

Pontifical North American College
Jacob Tschida
Vatican City State 00120


All Saints Capital Campaign: Issue 8


Daily Mass Time Changes at St. Francis