Tithing At All Saints


In the Old Testament book of Malachi, God directs His people to set aside a tithe of their crops for Him. This tithe is commonly understood to be 10%. Many religions in our country have adopted this 10% target as a recommended level for parishioner giving.

When All Saints parish was formed, the founders established a tithing policy that directs 10% of our ordinary weekend collection be given to support our local community and/or programs in which our parishioners participate. Since inception, All Saints has given more than $270,000 to help those in need with food and shelter, to help make our community safe, to further the mission of the Catholic church and many more worthy causes.

What organizations and individuals are eligible?

Eligible recipients are those organizations, volunteer groups and individuals who seek funding for specific projects or activities, for purposes that are in concert with the beliefs of our Catholic faith. Organizations must be not-for-profit. For-profit, government and political organizations are not eligible for grants.

Grants may be awarded to individuals pursuing Mission, Educational or Pilgrimage activities. Individual applicants must be a member in good standing of one of the Brainerd Area Catholic Church parishes.

What type of activity or project can be funded?

Any activity or project that benefits our local community and is consistent with the teachings and mission of the Catholic church. Programs in which many Brainerd Catholic church parishioners are participating are eligible for funding and the request can be initiated by participants. Priority will be given to applicants who are parishioners and organizations in which parishioners are actively involved.

Grants will not be paid directly to individuals nor will travel related expenses be reimbursed. The end use of the funds must not conflict with core Catholic teachings.

What is the process; how do I apply?

The All Saints Finance Council considers all requests received at each quarterly meeting. A notice will appear in the bulletin in advance of each meeting, asking for your recommendations. Your request needs to be in writing, addressed to the All Saints Finance Council. That request should describe what the funds will be used for, identify which parishioners (or Brainerd Catholic Churches) are involved in the request, and the amount requested. Requests may be dropped off at the parish office or mailed to: All Saints Catholic Church Tithe, 411 N 10th Street, Brainerd MN 56401.


The All Saints Tithing program has had a positive impact on our community over the last 2 decades. Your participation in providing recommendations will allow that success to continue.

YOU ARE INVITED …to recommend where All Saints spends its tithing.


In the Old Testament book of Malachi, God directs His people to set aside a tithe of their crops for Him.  This tithe is commonly understood to be 10%.  Many religions in our country have adopted this 10% target as a recommended level for parishioner giving.

When All Saints parish was formed, the founders established a tithing policy that directs 10% of our ordinary weekend collections be given to support our local community and/or programs in which our parishioners participate.  Since inception, All Saints has given more than $270,000 to help those in need, to help make our community safer, to further the mission of the Catholic church and many more worthy causes.

What organizations and individuals are eligible?

Eligible recipients are those organizations, volunteer groups and individuals who seek funding for specific projects or activities, for purposes that are in concert with the beliefs of our Catholic faith.  Organizations must be not-for-profit.  For-profit, government and political organizations are not eligible for tithing grants.

Grants may be awarded to individuals pursuing Mission, Educational or Pilgrimage activities. Individual applicants must be a member in good standing of one of the Brainerd Catholic parishes. 

What type of activity or project can be funded?

Any activity or project that benefits our local community and is consistent with the teachings and mission of the Catholic church.  Programs in which many Brainerd Catholic church parishioners are participating are eligible for funding and the request can be initiated by participants.  Priority will be given to applicants who are parishioners and organizations in which parishioners are actively involved.

Grants will not be paid directly to individuals nor will travel related expenses be reimbursed.  The end use of the funds must not conflict with core Catholic teachings.

What is the process; how do I apply?

The All Saints Finance Council considers all requests received at each quarterly meeting.  The next meeting of the council is April 28.  If you would like to request a grant for an organization with which you are involved or for another purpose that benefits our community, please submit your request by April 14.

Your request needs to be in writing, addressed to the Finance Council.  That request should describe what the funds will be used for, identify which parishioners (or Brainerd Catholic Parishes) are involved in the request, and the amount requested.  Requests may be dropped off at the parish office or mailed to: All Saints Catholic Church Tithe, 411 N 10th Street, Brainerd MN 56401.


The All Saints Tithing program has had a positive impact on our community over the last 2 decades.  Your participation in providing recommendations will allow that success to continue.


Christos Anesti!


Latin in the Liturgy Part 2