Mass Intention
Request Form

Having a Mass said for someone is a powerful way to intercede or pray for them on their behalf.

Mass intentions can be made online or in person at the Parish Office. Intentions are $10.00 each, cash or check, and can be mailed to the Parish Office or dropped in the collection basket.

2023-2024 Mass dates are open! If you have a lengthy list please e-mail directly to 30 Masses per person, per year may be requested. Max of 3 intentions for one individual.

Examples of Mass intentions:
In thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person or for the repose of the soul of someone who has died.

Weekend Mass Times:
4PM - All Saints
5PM - St. Francis

7:30AM - St. Francis
9AM - St. Francis
9AM - St. Thomas (Memorial Day-Labor Day)
10:30AM - All Saints
11:15AM - St. Francis

Daily Mass Times:
Mon - 8AM - St. Francis
Tue - 8AM - St. Francis
Wed - 7:30AM - All Saints, 9AM - St Francis (when school is in session) 12PM St. Joseph’s Hospital
Thurs - 5:30PM - St. Francis
Fri - 7:30AM - All Saints (First Fridays only), 8AM - St. Francis
Sat: 9AM - St. Francis (First Saturdays only)