Welcome to
Brainerd Catholic

Brainerd, Minnesota, and the surrounding area has a thriving Catholic community with four parishes, a PreK-8 Catholic School, and a summer chapel with additional Masses for an overflow of visitors. This website is a hub connecting you with our beautiful parishes!
4:00PM - All Saints
4:30PM - St. Andrew’s
5:00PM - St. FrancisSunday
7:30AM - St. Francis
8:00AM - St. Mathias
9:00AM - St. Francis
9:00AM - St. Thomas (Memorial Day-Labor Day)
10:00AM - St. Andrew’s
10:30AM - All Saints
11:15AM - St. Francis -
8:15AM - St. Francis (9:00 AM Labor Day)Tue
8:15AM - St. Francis
5:30PM - St. Andrew’sWed
7:30AM - All Saints
8:00AM - St. Andrew’s
8:15AM - St Francis (when school is in session)
12:00PM- St. Joseph’s HospitalThurs
8:00AM - St. Andrew’s
5:30PM - St. FrancisFri
7:30AM - All Saints (First Fridays only)
8:15AM - St. Francis
8:30AM - St. MathiasSat: 9:00AM - St. Francis (First Saturdays only)
7:30AM - St. Francis (No Confessions on Labor Day)Tue
4:30PM - St. Andrew’sThurs
4:30PM - St. FrancisSat
10:00AM - St. Francis
3:00PM - All Saints
3:30PM - St. Andrew’sSun
7:30AM - St. Mathias (First Sundays only)Confession also available by appointment; call parish office.
Queen of Peace Adoration Chapel(St. Andrew’s)
Click on chapel link above for hours.Fri
8:30AM-9:30AM - St. Francis
8:00AM-7:00PM - All Saints (First Fridays only)
Our Parishes
St. Francis
All Saints
St. Andrew's
St. Mathias
Latest News
Livestream Masses
Livestream Mass from St. Andrew’s
Livestream Mass from St. Francis & All Saints