2023 United Catholic Appeal (UCA)

On behalf of Bishop Felton and the whole Diocese of Duluth clergy and staff, we are excited to invite you into Healing, Hope and Joy in Jesus through this year’s United Catholic Appeal (UCA)! We pray that the dawn from on high is breaking, awakening the faithful of Duluth to the healing power of Jesus’ love and mission. We are calling all servants of Christ to join us in raising a voice of healing, hope and joy that reverberates throughout the 25,000 square miles of our diocese.

The UCA is a crucial requirement for engaging the entire diocesan community in the mission of healing to which Bishop Felton has called us. The outreach and special programs that factor into our mission all require resources to engage, but that’s not all that your UCA contributions make possible. UCA supports the costs of diocesan services throughout the life of faithful Catholics. From baptism, to youth religious education and confirmation, to marriage preparation classes, retreats, and adult enrichment programs, to last rites and funeral Masses, every ministry and spiritual service that the diocese offers relies on the generous support of our parishioners. The collaboration allows parishes to do things they wouldn’t normally be able to do on their own: human resources, business and financial assistance, health and welfare, and seminarian and deacon formations, among others.

Commitment weekend for the UCA will be May 6/7 and we are asking every parishioner to prayerfully consider their ability to generously contribute to the UCA. The mission on which we are about to embark is a light of hope and healing that will emanate from the center of our diocese and spread to the corners of the world! We cannot wait to welcome each and every one of you to our journey towards God’s glory. May the love and healing power of Christ continue to bless you, your loved ones and this diocese.

St. Francis: Doante to St. Francis UCA

All Saints: Donate to All Saints UCA

St. Andrew’s: Donate to St. Andrew's UCA

St. Mathias: Donate to St. Mathias UCA


May Crowing: A Devotion That Lifts Us All Up 


Redeemed and Loved