May Crowing: A Devotion That Lifts Us All Up 

Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, is honored in the Catholic Tradition under many titles. One such title is Queen of heaven. After the resurrection, Jesus calls us his brothers and sisters. This places us under the maternal care of Mary. Our hearts and minds are invited in this month of May to honor our mother and to rejoice in her maternal guidance.

Why is Mary considered Queen? God from the very beginning had preserved Mary from the stain of sin. At the end of the course of her earthly life, the catechism teaches us, Mary was assumed into heaven. This is a natural progression because she was a perfect follower of Jesus Christ. Also, her presence in heaven provides us with the care of the mother for all generations. Also, Mary, as the mother of the king of the universe, is the Queen. She is exalted as Queen of heaven and earth so that she can be in conformity with her son, the King. Finally, Mary is the most important woman of our faith. She earns from her children the title of a spiritual mother.

We have in our heritage the beautiful devotion of May Crowning. It is a celebration that does not have a set of rituals or specific date. This devotion invites all Christians to focus on Mary in the month of May and honor her. In honoring her, we grow in faith and closeness to her son Jesus Christ. During the crowning of Mary, a variety of rituals are done and, as I said, they vary. The most common actions are placing a crown of beautiful fresh flowers on a Marian statue or a bouquet of fresh flowers near the votive altar of Mary. Accompanying these actions would be the signing of Marian chants, antiphons or hymns. Also, praying Marian prayers like the rosary, the litany, or other Marian devotional prayers. Some ceremonies include elaborate processions. At the end of the devotional actions, some occasions end with a celebration, food, drink and fellowship. At home, the family may do a crowing of a family Marian statue, pray a rosary together, sign, and celebrate. The flowers are kept fresh throughout the month and at the votive altars, a vigil candle may burn throughout the month. This living flame represents our hearts being attached to the reality of the honor we are offering Mary.

Recently, Pope Francis added the memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church”. This celebration will be held the Monday after Pentecost, which will be May 29th this year. This memorial, according to the Pope, will help us to receive the maternal sense of the Church. The nurturing care of the Church.

Devotion to May Crowning will lift us up. Our focus will be on the Mother and Queen who nurtures us from heaven. We shall have our hearts and minds focused on the heavenly glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. During the Easter season we pray instead of the Angelus, “Queen of heaven rejoice alleluia” … we turn our focus to heaven, the eternal home where our Queen and her son, Jesus Christ, dwell. Our May Crowing devotion will lift us up towards heaven.

Jesus thy Kingdom come! In my heart through Mary! ~Fr. Gabriel 


First Holy Communion


2023 United Catholic Appeal (UCA)