Battle for Prayer During a Busy Season

I have found my prayer challenging this last month. There are many activities and occasions that occupy my time. Several mornings I get up, and I am on the go right away. The day flies by fast. There is little to no time to stop. Everything is fast paced and yes, the anxiety and stress are high. I will be honest, I have felt like a failure sometimes, looking back at my prayers. Sometime my prayer has been rushed, short, unfocused, forgotten immediately after it is offered, and it just feels plain and pathetic. At this low point, I have also felt the amazing grace of God. Even though prayer is a battle, it is also the work of the Holy Spirit. I know I am not alone in this struggle for prayer. Let us take a look at a couple ways to respond to this battle of prayer, especially during these busy days of the summer.

 First, distractions. We should not set out to follow them, rather we should look into our hearts, "for a distraction reveals to us what we are attached to" CCC 2729. This knowledge helps us focus on making the choice of which master we wish to serve.

 Second, dryness. This happens when the heart is apart from God. In prayer, we feel a lack of taste, motivation, delight, or enthusiasm. "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." These words of Jesus help us understand the need to make sacrifices for our prayer life. On the other hand, "If dryness is due to the lack of roots, because the word has fallen on rocky soil, the battle requires conversion" CCC 2731.

 Third, lack of faith. This is manifested by the preferences and choices we make. The many tasks and events we choose over prayer. The false urgencies we create about our schedules. The poor prioritization. "Sometimes we enlist the Lord as an ally, but our heart remains presumptuous. In each case, our lack of faith reveals that we do not yet share in the disposition of a humble heart: "Apart from me, you can do nothing"." CCC 2732. We need to depend on God more.

 God’s grace has offered us the virtue of humility. It is freeing to tell God how poorly we are doing in prayer. In fact, that conversation will be a prayer in itself. I feel the need to trust God all the more, not to give up but to try again. Join me in the battle for prayer during this busy season. Let us strive together for Humility, Trust and Perseverance. Do not be discouraged, try every day.

 "Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love" St. Therese of Lisieux


Jesus, thy kingdom come!  In my heart, through Mary!   -Fr. Gabriel 




Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: “All generations will call me blessed.”


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