Public Service Announcement

This weekend I just have a couple public service announcements to make. First, a general reminder to be respectful of our sacred spaces—especially the church proper. After Mass it’s easy to get in the habit of greeting people while still in the church. It makes me very happy to see our community enjoying one another and interacting with each other, however, there are also others who desire to pray in thanksgiving immediately after Mass. Fortunately, both church spaces now have convenient gathering spaces designed for socials after Mass. Let’s make a communal effort to be respectful of each other and our designated spaces.

Second, at St. Francis, especially with the road construction and added congestion, please be mindful of our neighbor’s driveways and not blocking them when we park. Let’s do what we can to maintain our good reputation in our neighborhood and be a blessing to our community.

Thanks everyone! Have a great weekend!’

Fr. Michael Garry


Battle for Prayer During a Busy Season


St. Francis Road Construction