Director of Parish Life & Mission Advancement

After Masses this weekend and next weekend, I will be introducing a new member of our parish staff. Nick Buffetta's position title is Director of Parish Life & Mission Advancement. In brief, Nick will be responsible for cultivating the communal life of our parishes and creating more opportunities for outreach and engagement. He will also assist me with mission advancement—i.e. capital campaigns, fundraising efforts, etc. 

Nick is a native of the Brainerd area. He and his wife Gabrielle have five kids and have been a part of the St. Francis of the Lakes school community for over 20 years. Both Nick and Gabrielle have also been very involved in the local Catholic community for years. As you get to know them, you will find that they are super approachable, good natured, friendly, and have a charism for hospitality that will serve our community well. I’m excited about the possibilities this new position holds for our parishes. 

As you’ve heard me say before, my top three pastoral priorities are Devotion, Education, and Community. We have such strong devotion in our parishes, our educational opportunities for both youth and adults are unparalleled in our diocese, and we have a far reaching reputation as a strong and vibrant Catholic community. We want to continue to build on these strengths. It’s my opinion, however, that as wonderful as our community is, of the three areas mentioned above community is the weakest. Almost every week I meet people who are new to the community or have a hunger for a deeper connection. While hiring Nick will help our parishes fill that need, it is nevertheless a communal endeavor—i.e. it’s the responsibility of us all to make this community the best it can be. So say hello to a stranger today, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, offer word of encouragement to someone you think might need it, etc. God only knows what heights we can reach if we all work together to build a parish of devotion, education, and community. 


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