Father’s Day Love: The Heart of Jesus

Dear Fathers,

As the world honors you on this Father’s Day Sunday, the Church invites you to deeply experience the love of Jesus. The month of June is dedicated to the Heart of Jesus. The love of Jesus is overflowing. The heart is the organ central to our being. The central place in the body where love resided. Divine love is pure and perfect. It is immaculate, and it is life-giving. Fathers, this love of Jesus is offered to live in and to transform you so we can all experience the love of God through you. 

 The Heart of Jesus comes to the aid of man, who is lost without true love. Fathers, your daily responsibilities continue to increase. The demands we place on you and the expectations we hold of you are constantly increasing. You might experience fatigue, apathy, frustration (that unexpected swearing), and even despair. Today, we want you to know that the Heart of Jesus is offering you love. Jesus relates to your pain. You might feel let down by your family, friends, or your church. As a man of God, you might sometimes feel alone and abandoned like Jesus did. Celebrating Father’s Day and welcoming the Sacred Heart of Jesus is our opportunity to receive love and to recommit ourselves to loving God above all things. 

 To have love is to have life. The central place for us to enjoy and live with love is home. Fathers, through you, we want to know the danger and the remedy families are facing. Fathers, your home is the venue we prepare ourselves to set off into the world, and it is the place we return to after our daily tasks are complete. Our home is the seedbed that nurtures the most nascent faith principles. Over the years, the devil and those who serve him have found out that poisoning this seedbed is the best way to take hold of souls. God has been replaced by leisure, pleasure, and self-want. Home can be the haven of many demonic actions and the seedbed of diabolical activities that bear horrible fruit in society. With the help of the Dads/Fathers, this ends now. 

 As we see the evils around us, and recognize the weak faith in us, Fathers consider Devotion to the Heart of Jesus. Embrace the Heart of Jesus. The Heart of Jesus is at your disposal, opened with a lance for us to fill with love. Be generous to receive. Begin with simple prayers directed to the Heart of Jesus. Focus on making Jesus Christ the king of your home. Have your house blessed and enthrone the image of the Heart of Jesus in your home. Avoid all laxity. Pray and fast. Be joyful in the graces and blessings of the Heart of Jesus. Happy Father’s Day, please make this your prayer: 

"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, make my heart like unto thine".

 Jesus thy kingdom come! In my heart through Mary!   ~Fr. Gabriel




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