St. Francis Road Construction

We are nearing the start of the Juniper road construction project that will affect the school and church. Starting this past week, the city initiated the removal process for phase 3 (the phase that affects us). The removal process will include road pavement, sidewalks and a couple trees.

You may wonder why some of the newer sidewalk areas are being removed. The removal is due to the new ADA regulations and correcting the slope/grade of the existing sidewalks to meet up with the street corners. The city has to lower the sidewalk corners quite a bit and in order to manage the slope/grade to the sidewalk, a number of newer concrete portions of sidewalk had to be removed. 

The estimated completion date of the Juniper project will be at or before the end of August! During this time, we will have access to the school parking lot and the east church parking lot by way coming south down 9th and 10th. It is estimated that while we may have the corners of Juniper and 9th, 10th, 11th closed during brief periods, we should be able to have through traffic during most of the construction phase. 

There are two trees that will be affected are by the school - one needs to be taken down to allow for the broadening of the parking lot driveway and the other is on the corner of Juniper and 10th, where the new slope will not allow for the corner tree to remain.

     If you have any questions, please feel free to call Maureen or Mark at the parish office 218-822-4040

More information regarding Brainerd construction projects can be found on the cities website


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