Faith Forward: Stewardship and Prayer

Faith Forward: A St. Andrew’s Stewardship Initiative

Father Gabriel shared a powerful message on the impact of the gift of prayer. God wants us to spend time with him. Simply, to have us come and be in his presence and to love him in a personal way. God knows our hearts. It is the heart that prays.

We must never believe the lie that prayer is “not for us” — that it is the privilege of a chosen few living saints, that we are “not good enough.” While God may grant different capacities for prayer, and God gives each of us different graces in prayer according to his design and plan for our lives, the truth is that God offers deep communion with him in prayer to each of us. To receive this gift, it is our part to show up each day with him and be open-hearted and honest with him. And it is through this means that Jesus will transform our hearts, making us into the holy disciples he made us to be.

You can view Father Gabriel’s homily on Stewardship and Prayer by visiting

Stewardship and Prayer Opportunities

  • Attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day

  • Attend daily Mass at least once a week

  • Spend 15 minutes a day in personal prayer

  • Spend one hour a month in Eucharistic Adoration

  • Pray together with loved ones

  • Have one meal a week with family

  • Read the Bible for one hour a week

  • Pray the Rosary at least weekly

  • Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet weekly

  • Go to confession every other month

  • Schedule time for a spiritual retreat

  • Perform a weekly act of kindness

  • Pray for our country daily

  • Pray for an increase in vocations

  • Pray for our priests

  • Pray for persecuted Christians

  • Pray for life from conception to natural death

  • Pray for those serving in the military

  • Pray for Fallen-Away Catholics


Faith Forward: Stewardship and Ministry


All Saints Capital Campaign: Issue 12