Prayer for Vocations

“Almighty Father, we beg you for an increase in religious vocations…”. These words begin our daily vocation prayer in our churches. Something beautiful has happened this year in the Brainerd Catholic Area. Two men have discerned to respond to God’s call. What is discernment? This is the process that helps someone to discover, to know, and to respond to God’s will. Discernment also means, taking time and space to listen to God. Like going to the seminary or a novitiate house. It is the process of clarifying the promptings one has felt in their heart so that one can make a commitment to God’s will. We are excited that two of our parishioners are making these steps forward into discernment.

Michael Bauer graduated from Brainerd High School. He did his college at St. Mary’s University, Winona. Michael has been with the Jesuits for 2 years now and took his 2nd year vows to become a Jesuit Brother on August 12th, 2023. For the next 3 years, he will be studying Theology and Philosophy at St. Louis University in St. Louis MO. A year ago, while I was at the Steubenville conference, Michael sent me an email encouraging me to speak to his sister and her friends about the importance of this conference. He said the conference was instrumental in reviving his faith and helping him with his discernment.

Nolan Thiesse was homeschooled. He graduated with an AA degree from Central Lakes College, Brainerd. Through our faith formation program and events such as Camp Survive, Steubenville Conferences, Wednesday night formation, Band of Brothers, and his dedication to serving the parish as an Altar Server, Nolan has grown in his faith and felt some promptings from God. At the 40 Hours Devotion 2023 (Go Deeper) Nolan prayerfully decided to take the step forward and enter seminary for discernment. In the Fall of 2023, Nolan joins St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul to study philosophy and discern his vocation with the Diocese of Duluth. I admire Nolan’s strong character, devotion, and dedication.

There are many other young men and women being moved by the Lord in our Brainerd area. Our prayer for vocation is indeed necessary. We need to pray for them. Jesus has encouraged us to pray for vocations because “the harvest is abundant, and the laborers are few” Luke 10:2. It is indeed exciting to have Michael and Nolan take these steps. We are rejoicing. I ask you to pray for them. To support them in their need and to pray for those among us whom the Lord is calling “to have the courage to say ‘yes’ and follow him”. Mary queen of heaven and earth, pray for our vocations.  

 Jesus thy kingdom come! In my heart through Mary!  -Fr. Gabriel



St. Francis & All Saints Children’s Choir Registration is open!


“i am the bread of life”